9 Tips For Gorgeous Glowing Skin!


Want clear, glowing + gorgeous skin like Miranda Kerr?

That would be nice, hey!

Our skin is the largest organ of the body and serves as a barrier to protect our insides from our environment. It also is an organ of elimination – meaning it expels toxic wastes from our system. It is crucial to take care of yourself inside and out to achieve such radiance you desire! Here they are..

  1. Limit processed foods and refined sugar. These are laden with chemicals and compounds that mess with your digestion and blood sugar levels. Take it one step further and abandon them for good!
  2. Eat loads of fruit and vegetables. These are best in their raw and natural state in which their nutrients are retained and If you can afford it, buy organic. If you can’t, try to purchase those foods on the EWG’s ‘Dirty Dozen List’. Check it out here.
  3. Top up your zinc and sulphur intake. These are deemed beauty minerals by David Wolfe. Zinc is required by the lymphatic organs and liver to get rid of wastes, while sulphur helps to build collagen and keratin.
  4. Drink more water. Clean water cleanses your system, flushes out those nasty toxins and will make you feel more vibrant. Aim for 2 litres or more each day!
  5. Refrain from picking, squeezing and touching! This is directly linked to acne. As simple as this may sound, your fingers carry thousands of germs and microbes that will cause acne to spread. We don’t want that do we?!
  6. Use natural and organic skin care products. Everything you put on your skin, it absorbs. Why then, would you lather the cheap chemical concoction you call your cleanser or moisturiser on your face? They are usually too harsh, harm the skin, don’t do what they claim and get thrown out. And that’s a definite waste of money! There are plenty of amazing brands out there such as KORA Organics (if you can afford it) and Sukin. I actually just use coconut oil as a moisturiser, and I believe it has made a HUGE difference to my skin. I recommend checking out Vegie Head Adele’s blog post and related Health Talks TV clip on using oils for skin here.
  7. Stress less. Chillax. Breathe. We all get stressed and that’s perfectly normal and inevitable. Just don’t let it get the better of you! In times of stress, take a few deep breaths and really just focus on what you’re grateful for. Works every time! I also like yoga, going for a jog or meditating.
  8. Get in touch with nature. I can hear you thinking, “Oh goodness, she’s a hippie freak!”. Fresh air, sunshine, salt water, bare feet in the grass.. reconnecting with the earth and taking time away from television and the computer is extremely beneficial for your health and wellbeing. Also takes your mind off unwanted negativity, allows you to see the beauty in life and to really feel the present moment. Great for stress-relief as well!
  9. Wear organic mineral makeup, if any. This is non-comedgenic which means it does not clog your pores leading to breakouts, is oil-free and does not give you that plastic cake face! This is actually a major cause of acne among teenage girls. Little did they know if they just switch makeup brands their skin would improve dramatically! You don’t need to wear it everyday either. I only wear makeup when I go to work or an outing such as at a restaurant. When you do wear it, make sure to wash it off with an organic cleanser and face cloth before hitting the sack.
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  1. […] 9 Tips For Gorgeous Glowing Skin! (hollysticwellness.wordpress.com) […]

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